- Bio

- Dan Pearce has a broad and deep exposure to many aspects of design and object making. Nine years of analytical work as an aerospace engineer in support of NASA was followed by sixteen years working with all aspects (from research to hands-on prototyping) of solar powered home design and construction--including co-lead instructor for UVa's prize winning entry in the First DOE Solar Decathlon. As a sculptor he is attempting to fuse technology and art in a way that satisfies both while providing a window into the lonely passion that isolates each of us into our separate specialties.
- Statement
My point of departure in exploring sculpture as a means to comprehend four-dimensions is to answer the question:
"What would I look like if I could see myself moving through time?"
My "Time as an Object" series attempts to subdue time and rotate it into three-space as a physical dimension. Depictions of motion present unexpected forms that can be held and examined in their entirety. The simple experience of walking from one place to another offers a metaphor for my attempt to traverse between the worlds of technology and art.
- Shows
- Dec 2009 - Light Being, interactive video/dance at
"Let There Be Light"
Piedmont Virginia Community College, Charlottesville, VA
- Installed Nov 2007 - Jay Pace memorial, Ashton, VA
- Installed Sept 2007 - Robertson Memorial, Orange, VA
- Feb - Jun 2007 - Science Museum of Virginia, Complexus Group exhibition:
"Strange Attractors"
- May - Jun 2005 - Piedmont Virginia Community College, Solo-exhibition:
"Dan Pearce Hypothetical Perception"
- May - Dec 2004 - Piedmont Virginia Community College
2005 Dance/Sculpture Collaboration.
- April 2004 - Piedmont Virginia Community College Student Art Show
-Award for excellence for "Nine"
- Resume

Walking Man scroll - Rhino CAD model - 2007

Walking Man scroll - 2.25"x4.5"x2" - ABS plastic - 2008

Light Being - video frame
interactive video/dance performance - 4 minutes - 2009

Walking Man - Rhino CAD model - 2007

Walking Man discrete - 2"x6"x3.5" - ABS plastic - 2008

Walking Man continuous - 2"x6"x3.5" - ABS plastic - 2008

Walking Man wood - 12"x36"x18" - mdf - 2009

DoNotTouch - sketchbook drawing of mechanical design of "Bronzemation" 2006

Bronzemation - 67"x84"x72" - oak, steel, bronze, mechanical shutter
3D animation - 2008

Megan - 22"x30" - charcoal on newsprint - 2007
2D figure study

Megan - 14"x3"x2" - wax - 2007
3D figure study

GFKprogram - 8.5"x11" - computer printout - 2005.
LISP program and resulting CAD drawing of a mechanical fractal

Bongo - 32"x8"x32" - oak, bronze, ABS plastic, tiny little screws - 2006

Nine - 76"x106"x70" - recycled cardboard and lots of glue - 2004

Self portrait Life On I64
- 34"x27"x33" concrete, tire scraps, carbon - 2004

Dancing in Space
7"x14"x8", wax, antique oak, aluminum, gears, electric motor - 2004.